choke - definizione. Che cos'è choke
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Cosa (chi) è choke - definizione

Choke (movie); Choke (disambiguation); The Choke; Choke (EP); Choke (film); Choke (song)

n. (on a car)
1) to pull out; push in the choke
2) an automatic; manual choke
1) (D; intr.) to choke on (to choke on a bone)
2) (d; intr.) to choke with (to choke with emotion)
3) (misc.) to choke to death
·noun The tied end of a cartridge.
II. Choke ·noun A constriction in the bore of a shotgun, case of a rocket, ·etc.
III. Choke ·vt To obstruct by filling up or clogging any passage; to block up.
IV. Choke ·vi To be checked, as if by choking; to Stick.
V. Choke ·vt To affect with a sense of strangulation by passion or strong feeling.
VI. Choke ·vt To make a choke, as in a cartridge, or in the bore of the barrel of a shotgun.
VII. Choke ·noun A stoppage or irritation of the windpipe, producing the feeling of strangulation.
VIII. Choke ·vt To hinder or check, as growth, expansion, progress, ·etc.; to Stifle.
IX. Choke ·vi To have the windpipe stopped; to have a spasm of the throat, caused by stoppage or irritation of the windpipe; to be strangled.
X. Choke ·vt To render unable to breathe by filling, pressing upon, or squeezing the windpipe; to Stifle; to Suffocate; to Strangle.
<jargon> To fail to process input or, more generally, to fail at any endeavor. E.g. "NULs make System V's "lpr(1)" choke." See barf, gag. [Jargon File] (2006-09-20)



Choke may refer to:

Esempi di pronuncia per choke
1. SPEAKER 1: No, don't choke, don't choke.
Brand Storytelling _ Bridget Russo _ Talks at Google
2. Don't choke.
The Florentine Deception _ Carey Nachenberg _ Talks at Google
3. Choke up.
Legendary Children _ Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez _ Talks at Google
4. "Laws that choke creativity."
5. and choke me out.
Man Made - A Stupid Quest for Masculinity _ Joel Stein _ Talks Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per choke
1. Lines of ambulances, firetrucks and buses choke the road.
2. Some of the gases choke prisoners; others make them unconscious.
3. People drink and choke to death on vomit – it‘s hideous.
4. They fear it could choke off private consumption.
5. The fear is that children could choke on the packaging around such toys.